I spent this past week in San Antonio attending the annual conferences of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics as I do most years, and as always, I had a fantastic time and learned a ton.
Just a quick overview of some of the highlights:
Learning, Planning, and Teaching Together: Facilitating Job-Embedded Professional Development, Kendra Lomax and Becca Lewis (University of Washington). I feel incredibly strongly about practice-based PD, and since I also happened to know that Kendra got rave reviews from a group of K-2 teachers she'd recently been doing some practice-based/job-embedded PD with, I was excited to hear what she and her colleague had to say on the topic. We heard about how they've been exploring the idea of rehearsal as a way of teachers preparing to teach a lesson, where the rehearsing involves very focused and thoughtful real-time coaching from a teacher educator. They shared some interesting videos, and I look forward to exploring more of their work on on the TEDD (Teacher Education by Design) website.